Using IoT to Measure ‘Dinosaurs’ Fart’
Ever wonder how does a dead dinosaur fart smell like? Well, we can’t really tell either, but we can give you an idea with the next best thing (or in this case, the next worse thing) – the fumes and air in a petrol station.
One of our interns – Falah from UiTM Shah Alam (Electronic Engineering) – has been working hard on an Air Quality Monitoring System.
The device has the AmbiMate Sensor Module (ASM), which measures indoor lighting, used in building automation and connected homes apart from measuring air quality. The device sends data to the cloud application to be displayed and monitored.

The 6-core ASM has these sensing capabilities:
- Motion (PIR)
- Light
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
- Carbon dioxide (Co2)
Component required for this project are:
- NodeMCU (this is also used to send data to the cloud)
- 9V Battery
To give you an idea of the air quality in the petrol station, check out what Falah has gathered from his experiment:

As shown in both graphs, both VOC and Co2 readings in petrol station are significantly higher than the air quality in indoor and outdoor (away from petrol station). So this leaves us with one question – how much polluted air do we have to take in?
We hope to change and improve the air quality in petrol stations and other places too for that matter, such as toilets and public areas.